Articles of Association of
the Federation of Irish Wolfhound Clubs (FIWC)

Whereas on April 30, 1994 during the 60th anniversary of the Irish Wolfhound Club of The Netherlands (IERDIE) several members of European Irish Wolfhound Clubs signed a letter of intent to found a Federation of European Irish Wolfhound Clubs (EIWC) aiming at the promotion of the interests of the Irish Wolfhound in Europe,
whereas that same day a committee had been set up to formulate the Articles of Association which have been formerly approved on July 15, 1995 in Dublin, Ireland,
whereas the original statutes where amended at the Ruling Council meetings at Hundfossen, Norway, on June 9th, 2000 (Art. 31), at Vingsted, Denmark, on June 26th, 2010 (Art. 31), at Padenghe, Italy, on April 30th, 2012 (Art. 31), at Mustiala, Finland, on June 13th, 2014 (Art. 10 and Art. 17) and again emended at Le Touquet, France, on June 9th, 2018, to extend the geographic participation of Irish Wolfhound Clubs around the world and deciding to change the name to reflect worldwide interest,
therefore the following Articles, which have been approved by the Member Clubs, represent the guidelines to which all members will adhere.
I. Inauguration and Name
Art. 1
On April 30th,1994, an international association of independent national Irish Wolfhound clubs, known as the Federation of European Irish Wolfhound Clubs (EIWC) was founded at Hoensbroek, The Netherlands, for an indefinite period.
Since June 9th, 2018 this association changed its name to Federation of Irish Wolfhound Clubs (FIWC).
II. Purpose
Art. 2
The purpose of the FIWC shall be to bring together, within a single framework, the Irish Wolfhound clubs or associations from as many countries as possible, to make joint efforts to protect, promote and improve the breed, and to foster friendship among Irish Wolfhound enthusiasts throughout the world.
Art. 3
This purpose shall be pursued by means of:
a) co-operation at all levels to promote the Irish Wolfhound breed,
b) exchange of judges between members,
c) regular exchange of opinions between members and between judges,
d) preparation of guidelines and recommendations in order to improve and harmonize the breed throughout the world,
e) regular analysis of the health situation of the breed, and setting of health improvement objectives and programs,
f) support the club members in the organization of Irish Wolfhound shows in Europe,
g) award of FIWC prizes for special occasions,
h) publication of periodic news-sheets,
i) other appropriate activities.
III. Determination of the Breed
Art. 4
FIWC was founded under Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) jurisdiction for Clubs who are FCI member countries; these countries accept the FCI Standard of the Irish Wolfhound and they recognize and accept that adjustments to the Standard to be accepted by the FCI is the exclusive right of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Ireland.
FIWC recognizes the official Standards of non FCI countries that are recognized by FCI and where the differences in the Standards are words only and not in the intent of describing the ideal Irish Wolfhound.
IV. General Provisions
Art. 5
The FIWC shall recognize the autonomy of the members and shall not interfere with their internal affairs; however, it may be called upon to settle such disputes as may arise.
Art. 6
The FIWC shall be established on a non-profit basis; all positions and work involved are accepted on a voluntary basis.
Art. 7
The liability of the FIWC shall only extend to its own assets. Individual liability on the part of members shall be excluded; conversely, the FIWC shall not be liable for the obligations incurred by members.
Art. 8
The seat of the FIWC shall be located in the place of residence of IERDIE in the Netherlands, country where the association is formally registered.
V. Membership
Art. 9
1. Each member (full members) must also be a direct member of its own country's national dog association member of FCI and not of another member of FIWC.
2. Where the interests of the Irish Wolfhound breed are promoted by a club, which deals also with other breeds, this club may apply for FIWC membership.
3. Each country may have more than one FIWC member club.
4. Irish Wolfhound clubs of countries not under FCI jurisdiction can be associate members with different voting rights. They also have to be direct members of their own country’s national dog association and not of another member of FIWC.
Art. 10
Applications for membership shall be sent to the secretary of the Management Committee (Board) and shall include:
a) the articles of association of the club,
b) the names and addresses of the members of the board of directors and the delegate as referred to in Art. 17,
c) confirmation or an excerpt from the club minutes indicating that the FIWC articles of association and regulations have been approved,
d) confirmation from the national dog association in the country concerned that the conditions of membership as stated in Art. 9, paragraph 1 and 4, have been fulfilled,
e) the number of club members (or in a club that also deals with other breeds, the number of Irish Wolfhound members) from which the annual membership fee will be calculated.
The Ruling Council (Art. 19, f)) shall decide on membership applications.
VI. Rights and Duties of Members
Art. 11
Each member undertakes to fully support the FIWC in its efforts to achieve its established goals.
Art. 12
Members shall be obliged to inform the FIWC of all amendments to their articles of association and changes in their board of directors and their delegates, and of their withdrawal or expulsion from their national dog association.
Art. 13
Members may withdraw from FIWC at the end of any calendar year by submitting written notice of withdrawal to the secretary of the Management Committee at least three months in advance.
Art. 14
When a club is dissolved, ceases to be a member of its own country's national dog association, or has not paid its membership fee for two years, its membership shall be automatically terminated. The delegate of such member will be alerted after one year. The club in question shall be notified in writing that its membership has been terminated.
Art. 15
Any club which seriously harms the interest of the FIWC may be expelled by a decision of the Ruling Council taken in a meeting by a two-thirds majority of the delegates present. The club in question shall be notified of the reasons for the proposed expulsion not less than 60 days before the decision is taken, so as to give the club an opportunity to justify itself before the meeting of the Ruling Council.
Art. 16
Any club whose membership expires for any reason shall not be entitled to reimbursement of financial considerations such as membership fees, donated prizes, etc., or to FIWC assets. Obligations for the current year must be fulfilled.
Art. 17
Each member club shall be entitled to appoint one delegate as their FIWC representative. All communications between FIWC and members shall take place through the delegates; however, secretaries of the members shall also be kept informed.
VII. Organisation
VII. A The Ruling Council
Art. 18
1. The delegates shall form the Ruling Council which is in charge of the FIWC.
The delegates shall be entitled to take part in discussions, elections, and decisions, and shall have voting rights in the Ruling Council. The delegates representing the associated members are not eligible to vote for subjects concerning FCI.
2. All officially appointed delegates have to be notified by their club in writing to the Secretary of the Management Committee. Changes of nominees have to be notified immediately.
3. Voting rights of officially appointed delegates cannot be transferred to delegates of other clubs (no show, no vote).
4. The officially appointed delegates shall lose their voting rights when their member clubs have not paid the annual membership fee according to Art. 29 to the treasurer of the management committee in due time.
Art. 19
The Ruling Council shall in particular have the following powers:
a) election of the members of the Management Committee (Board),
b) approval of the Management Committee's biannual report (including the reports of the special committees), and of the biannual statement of accounts,
c) to appoint if necessary an auditor to audit the annual accounts,
d) discharge of the members of the management Committee,
e) determination of admission, annual, and special fees,
f) acceptance and expulsion of members,
g) to decide on regulations and applications by the Management Committee and via the Management Committee by the special committees as well as on applications via the Management Committee by members,
h) decisions regarding dissolution of FIWC in accordance with Art. 32.
Art. 20
Applications, proposals and candidatures for the Management Committee made to the meeting of the Ruling Council shall be submitted three months in advance to the secretary of the Management Committee.
Applications submitted during the meeting of the Ruling Council may only be considered at the next meeting of the Ruling Council.
Art. 21
1. The statutory meeting of the Ruling Council shall take place once every two years.
2. The Meeting of the Ruling Council is public to all members of FIWC (full and associated member clubs).
3. Extraordinary meetings of the Ruling Council shall be convened by decision of the Management Committee, or if at least one-third of the members submit a request to this effect in writing to the Management Committee, stating purpose and reasons for their request.
4. Decisions of the Ruling Council may also be reached by communicating in writing without any need for a meeting of the Ruling Council (with the exception of decisions described in Art. 15, 31, 32).
5. The Secretary of the Management Committee shall convene meetings of the Ruling Council by notifying the delegates in writing at least two months in advance, giving details of the agenda and the time and place of the meeting. The two-months-period of notice shall commence two days after the letter of invitation has been posted to the delegates' last known addresses.
6. The Secretary or, in his absence, another member of the Management Committee shall keep minutes of the decisions taken by the meeting of the Ruling Council. These minutes shall be signed by the keeper of the minutes and the chairman of the Management Committee who is also chairman of the Ruling Council.
Art. 22
Each delegate has one vote on behalf of the member he represents. When the votes are tied, the chairman shall have the casting vote. Decisions are valid if more than 50% of the delegates are present in the meeting. All elections and votes in writing shall be decided by a simple majority of all delegates, with the exception of decisions as prescribed in Art. 15, 31, and 32.
VII. B The Management Committee (Board)
Art. 23
1. The Management Committee has the responsibility to prepare and to execute the decisions of the Ruling Council.
2. The Management Committee shall comprise a minimum of 5 members and a maximum of 8: the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary, and the Treasurer, together with any other member.
3. The delegate of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Ireland is always member of the Management Committee. The associated members, if the number is equal to or exceeds five, can elect one delegate as a member of the Management Committee, while the remaining are elected by full members among their delegates.
4. The members of the Management Committee shall be elected for a period of four years and may be re-elected thereafter.
5. The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer are appointed by the Management Committee.
6.The FIWC shall be jointly represented by two members of the Management Committee, any such representation - who shall include either the Chairman or the Vice Chairman - has to be mandated by the Management Committee.
7. Any member whose delegate is elected to the Committee shall not be entitled to appoint an additional delegate.
Art. 24
1. Each member of the Management Committee must be a delegate at the time of election. Elected members who decline from the role of delegate remain in charge until the expiry of their mandate. No member may be replaced unless by decision of the Ruling Council.
2. In meetings of the Management Committee decisions are valid if more than 50% of the members of the Committee are present. Each member of the Management Committee has one vote.
3. Decisions may also be reached in writing by a simple majority of all members of the Committee.
Art. 25
The Management Committee shall have the following tasks:
a) appointment of special committees, such as for example the judges' committee, the Standard committee, etc.,
b) preparation of meetings of the Ruling Council and of decisions of the Ruling Council in writing and submission of applications to the latter,
c) acceptance of the annual statement of accounts and preparation of the biannual reports, and submission thereof to the Ruling Council,
d) implementation of decisions taken by the Ruling Council.
Art. 26
The Chairman of the Management Committee, and in case of his/her absence the Vice Chairman, shall be responsible for day-to-day affairs The Secretary shall likewise be responsible for day-to-day correspondence and for drawing up minutes and reports. Subject to approval by the Management Committee, they may also delegate certain tasks to other persons.
All communications between members and the FIWC shall take place through the Secretary. All meetings and correspondence shall be in English.
VII. C The President
Art. 27
The President of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Ireland is also President of the FIWC, which is an honorary non-executive position; however, with the right to attend meetings of the Ruling Council and of the Management Committee, and with the right to vote in such meetings.
VIII. Finances
Art. 28
Funds to cover expenses shall consist of:
a) members' admission fees and annual fees, the amount of which shall be determined by the Ruling Council,
b) special receipts, the source and amount of which shall be determined by the Ruling Council,
c) voluntary donations.
The financial year shall correspond to the calendar year.
Art. 29
The annual membership fee according to Art.28, a) is due not later than March, 31st, of the running year.
The financial resources of the Federation will be utilized by the Management Committee to cover expenses that facilitate its meetings and to promote education about the breed with projects that include the biannual congress, publications and developing material to educate judges and breeders.
Art. 30
The FIWC shall not be liable for personal expenses incurred by delegates. Reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred by members of the Management Committee shall be borne by FIWC if these expenses have been authorized in writing in advance by the Ruling Council.
IX. Revision of the Articles of Association
Art. 31
Amendments to, or revisions of, the articles of association shall require a two-thirds majority of all delegates present in the meeting.
X. Dissolution of the FIWC
Art. 32
A decision to dissolve the FIWC shall require a two-thirds majority of all delegates present in the meeting. If the FIWC is dissolved, any assets then remaining shall be allocated to a charitable cause, to be determined by the Ruling Council.
XI. Final provisions
Art. 33
The law of Ireland is applicable.